Über Wittscheider Hof zum Eschweiler Tal
34.5 km
1019 m
The trail Über Wittscheider Hof zum Eschweiler Tal has a distance of 34.5 km and an elevation gain of 1019 meters.
Average ratings
Armin rode this trail on 08-08-2018 on a Radon Slide
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Little to experience. Signs placed illogically. Wide paths, lots of asphalt, barely singletracks. Much missed potential for such an area.
Patrick Ruijters rode this trail on 09-08-2015 on a Cube 120 AMS 29" black anodized
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Especially broadening paths. Too few single tracks. Enough climbing the route. Few long tough climbs. Pay attention to the signs. Sit at different heights. Arrow sometimes vague. Auto allows you to route starting 1,2,3 parking!